
  1. Generation I came out in 1996. The last number in the Pokedex at that time was 151.
    Generation II came out in 1999. The last number in the Pokedex at that time was 251.
    Generation III came out in 2002. The last number in the Pokedex at that time was 386.
    Generation IV came out in 2006. The last number in the Pokedex at that time was 493.
    Generation V came out in 2010. The last number in the Pokedex at that time was 649.
    Generation VI came out in 2013. The last number in the Pokedex at that time was 809.
    Using this data, write code to calculate how many Pokémon are added to the Pokédex on average, per year.
  2. Recall the formula to calculate the distance between two coordinates:

    Create variables for
     and . Assign whatever numerical values you’d like.  Then, write code to calculate and print the distance between your two points.

  1. 1 human year is 7 dog years haha oops. Define variables to hold the current year it is now and your birth year.

    Write code to calculate your age in dog years.
  2. Create a variable to hold a certain number of seconds, and use it to print the amount of minutes and seconds it is equivalent to. For example, 130 seconds is equivalent to 2 minutes and 10 seconds.

    Hint: Modulus is looking
    mighty fine for this question!